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This is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and I do not recommend using a numbing cream prior to a tattoo on "easy" places like the arms or legs. The reason for this is that I do not know where or what you bought. Although I will recommend some creams in this text, I do not know what kind of chemical compounds are used and how they will interfere with the actual pigments of the tattoo and the overall process.



All of these instructions must be applied at least 1.5 hours prior to the procedure for the cream to be effective.



The first step is to take a shower or wash the area with glycerin or antibacterial soap. Any body wash that is scented or has other purposes might leave ointment or oil on the skin, which might hinder the next two steps.


The second step, after drying the spot, is to rub it with rubbing alcohol until the skin is lightly irritated and slightly red in order to open the pores. This way, the cream can actually penetrate and activate into your skin. Use a generous amount and make sure you press it in, but do not rub it around until it sinks into the skin; you would want a layer on top of the skin.


The third step is to wrap the area with cling ”seran” wrap to keep it from drying out and make sure the skin is moisturized and absorbs the entire amount of the cream. Keep the cling wrap on until your appointment.


My reccomendations for lidocaine cream are Ebanel 5% Lidocaine Numbing Cream and “tattoo Numbing Cream co” And most of all Numb 27

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